Thursday, January 8, 2015

Delivering Bad news to employees...

The first thing I would do is approach the employee in a friendly manner, I would not begin by coming off menacing nor would i promote a hostile environment. The last thing I want to do is add injury to insult and be inconsiderate of the other employees around. I would request to speak with them immediately in my office or the next most appropriate place. Once we have a little more privacy to speak i would begin by explaining their performance within the company or lack of, then I would express my concerns in terms of what will benefit the company with their future goals. The book "First Time manager" advises us to set a target for that employee to improve so they can achieve certain goals. "Your precise specifications serve a dual purpose, if the employee meets the goal you may be on the way to solving the problem and retain the employee, failing that you are ready to start the termination process."(Belker 2005) The first thing I would do is ask if everything in their personal life going okay. The reason being because it could be the main reason behind or a major contribution to why they are not performing at a high level. I would be open and understanding though I also would like to be direct and clear about what is considered acceptable in the company. I would allow them some time to express how they felt about any concerns or issues they have with the company or any of the practices that go on inside the company that they don't approve of. For the employee to have worked for the company in the past two years clearly they were doing something right to keep their position yet up to this point, where they became too comfortable. The important thing for me to do is explain the goals of our company and how every employee should have the same mind frame when it comes to reaching the goals of the company. I would also show appreciation and gratitude for the commitment and dedication the employee has presented with the past two years and I would express how much we value them. I would recognize the sacrifices they may have made and reaffirm that things generally happen in peoples personal lives to where it affects their performance in the workplace, we are only human as no one is perfect. With that said it would made clear that it is more beneficial to them if they communicate that something is going on so that we could make accommodations to where the employee won’t set themselves up for failure. I would then transition into the feedback I have been getting from customers and coworkers about the attitude and behaviors they have been displaying. I would let them know this is a team effort to provide excellent customer service and the team chemistry is greatly affected if one member can’t get along with others it causes a hostile environment and that is unhealthy for people who want to work in a stress free environment. I will then warm him that the confrontational attitude is only going to make his situation worse and lead him closer towards termination. I would let them know again that I really like them and appreciate their commitment over time but if their actions don’t change I will have no choice but to let them go. I would explain that I’d rather have employees who show professionalism and integrity over employee’s who are careless because like I said before it is a team effort and I want my team to reach the championship as I see potential in us all to reach that high level if we all participate with the same intensity. I would then state how its best to just follow my advice because I don’t want to see them loose out on a great opportunity and I don’t want to take their livelihood away but I will if I have to.


Belker, L. B., & Topchik, G. S. (2005). The First-time Manager. New York, N.Y.: AMACOM.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Media Technology

Paintings and artworks can be used to describe the dexterity of an artist. Art is described as "a disciplined activity that may be limited to skill or expanded to include a distinctive way of looking at the world"(Funk &Wagnalis 2014) Art can be abstract, but it also can move in different directions as it expresses the raw skill of an artist who visually manipulates an emotion to display on a canvas. Art is measured on a wide spectrum and should not be characterized as just paintings and sculptures. Art can be considered an expression of what an artist was experiencing at a particular time which is what influenced the creation process. There are also cases to where the artist is simply trying to mimic something they have seen before and reinforce it through their creation. The audience targeted can relate to the different methods of the creation process and attempt to interpret the intent of the artist and develop their own understanding of what that artist conveys to the viewers. Artwork is intended to freely express emotion and tell stories through color and texture and designs with shapes different sizes and a number of other variables to consider when analyzing conceptual artwork. The audiences usually range from art extremists willing to spend large amounts of money on certain refined creations, then there is the average art lovers who are more spectators for the love of art. Some examples of artwork could be graffiti on the walls and billboards or it could be a song an artist created. Art is considered a form of expression and can be reinforced through different mediums that we would label as art forms. 

Radio, is pretty much one of the most frequently used forms of media especially if you own a vehicle. Using frequency air waves and with the assistance of the advancements in technology, we listen to radio today through many different devices. Radio is used as a medium to project music and live events to the general public and it is used as an advertisement tool for companies to shop services and merchandise to the general consumer/listener. Recently, radio has hit the internet and mobile applications as internet streaming of radio stations has become more popular and people around the world are tuning into the different stations. Radio is normally on a local scale to where you are normally used to turning your car on and hearing your favorite local station. Now days, in addition to having an AM/FM tuning capability, newer cars have reached crowds on a global basis as XM satellite radio has more recently taken communities by storm. The stations on satellite radio have a wide range of different genres to choose form as the capabilities of broadcasting has reached different areas in the world to subscribers who purchased satellite radio accounts. "In September of 2001 XM began the first U.S digital satellite radio service in two markets; 2 months later XM radio was launched nationwide" (   There are no limitations when it comes to what people want to listen to as everybody has their own preference. Most people identify themselves with the music they listen to as they can relate to what they hear. People define good music through a combination of things that fit their criteria of what is appeasing to their musical standards.

Movies come out every other week and are either sequels to previous versions of movies or are based on true stories, or just may be created fantasies. Movies are often very entertaining but can also be very influential. People don’t realize how movies actually influence the actions of others, sometimes when people see something on the movie screen they automatically assume that its okay to mimic 
what they saw. It is always disclosed before the film for people not to reanimate or reinvent what they have seen on the movie screen as it was created in Hollywood where dangerous stunts were done by professionals. At the end of the day you come to realize that it is all smoke and mirrors, and what looks dangerous is a play on the eye until people actually witness the step by step process it takes to create the movie. Movies come in different genres to satisfy the viewer’s taste or interests and most of the time movies have a setting, a plot, characters, conflict, resolution and a conclusion. Movies take from real life situations or completely made up situations to create a fantasy or serious scenario to where characters create a connection with the viewer and relate by mirroring certain behaviors that they would see in public or at home in any given moment. The rating system was established in 1968 to provide parents the tools they need to make informed decisions about what their children watch.( The audiences intended are arranged by different appropriate rating levels for particular age groups.   

Electronic books (e-books) are the digital versions of reading to where you alienate the traditional hardback and paperback books with the traditional pages that require page flipping. With the advancement of today’s technologies e-books have been updated to magnify the reading experience to be more user friendly. With e-books you generally have the capability to utilize the touch screen option and are able to scroll up and down pages by dragging your finger across the screen or by pressing a button on the side of the device. The majority of e books and readers are no larger than 12 inches all around and hold a charge that can last up to 24 hours. Each device has its special features to enhance the reading experience tailored for each individual to be very user friendly. Normally when you go to purchase an e-book you have the option of selecting the different brands with the different features. At your local best buy I guarantee you will see the choices starting with your kindle, then moving towards your nook, your different versions of Ipads and android tablets which have the e-book capabilities in addition to other functions. The intention of these readers are to reach out to people who generally have a love and desire to read whether it is at the park or in the bed with your significant other and even when reading children bedtime stories or in the doctors office waiting for an appointment or even when you have a lot of down time and you don’t want to waste it. 


Art. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1.